Greater Productivity in my Meetings
Coaching Programme

Overall objective:
To be able to utilise meetings in the most productive way possible for my area of responsibility
Developmental objectives:
I am able to clearly identify the precise purpose of each meeting
I am able to design productive meetings with productive agendas
I am able to introduce a more effective reporting system
Length of prgramme:
Approximately 5 months (Intake Conversation, Offer Conversation, 4 - 5 Cycles of Development, Completion Conversation)
What this programme will involve:
Personal engagement in observation exercises / practices on a daily basis:
Self-observation exercises enable you to become intimately aware of your “Current way of Being” in your coaching topic, what it enables and what it limits. Through this awareness, you will be able to start shifting your automatic, habitual way of seeing and behaving in your topic.
Practices are designed to develop the ‘new muscles’ you need to live in alignment with your “New way of Being” in your coaching topic. These practices are structured and sequenced to progressively support reaching the developmental objectives listed above.
Meeting with your coach every three weeks until the programme is complete:
Discuss what you are learning in your observation exercises and practices, build upon this learning and determine the next steps in your cycles of development.
Have a final meeting to formally complete the Coaching Programme and prepare for going forward beyond the programme.
Self-Reflection Assignment:
Prior to the Completion Conversation, you will complete a self-reflection assignment of not more than five pages covering where you were when you began this journey, what you explored and tried, and where you are at the end.
Our coaching relationship - A partnership
1. This is a partnership where we work together to co-create and accomplish your coaching vision.
2. To this end, we agree that:
I will:
Be fully prepared and present for each of our sessions together.
Assist you to acquire the new habits and way of being necessary to consistently and sustainably operate and live at the level of your coaching vision.
Endeavour to conduct our conversations in ways that develop your capacity to think and learn even more broadly and more deeply.
Help us co-create our conversations and your practices to the level needed to do so.
At the end of each session, give us both an opportunity to express how we might make the next session (even) more effective.
Draft your practices and send them to you within 72 hours, and will endeavour to reduce this period to 48 hours wherever possible.
You will:
Be fully committed to and focused on the achievement of your coaching vision.
Use our conversations as opportunities to develop your capacity to think more broadly and more deeply.
Apply the co-created practices as close to daily as possible in a way that helps you acquire and embody the new habits required to accomplish your coaching vision.
3. The content of any conversation between us during the coaching will be confidential. I hope that, as the level of trust between us grows, you will know that my job is not to judge you, but to help you become more fully yourself. I hope that as this happens you will feel able to perhaps be even more open than you are used to.
4. Our sessions will be arranged up front in so far as this is possible and we will both make every effort to work around these arrangements. Cancellations will be kept to a minimum and, where necessary, every effort will be made to give the other party reasonable notice.
5. I abide by the International Coach Federation Code of Ethics.
6. I don’t provide counselling or therapy.
The programme is available to individuals as well as groups of 4 to 8 people.
My fees are based on the value my organisational clients will gain from this coaching programme, and not on units of time. They are as follows:
6 x 1-hour sessions
Programme fee:
Face to face (where possible): R46 000 (plus VAT)
Online: R36 000 (plus VAT for South African clients)
6 x 90-minute sessions
Programme fee:
Face to face (where possible): R160 000 (plus VAT)
Online: R120 000 (plus VAT for South African clients)
Please note that all fees are payable in advance of commencement of the programme.
Important: Please note that I reserve the right to charge for any extra sessions occasioned by late cancellations by you and / or failure to complete any agreed practices. The current cost of these additional sessions is R5 000