“If you want to be successful you need to learn to love the business of coaching as much as you love coaching itself.”
Rich Litvin

What is the Creating Clients Coaching Programme?
Being a coach is like hiking in the mountains. You walk up a mountain while you learn to coach, a steep and ongoing journey in itself. Just when you think you are reaching the top of the mountain, you realise that there is another mountain to climb, and then another, and another. Some of these mountains have to do with growing our coaching skills, which we see as our ongoing journey. Our mindset is that we will be successful if we are a good coach. Yet the other mountains start telling us that there is something we are missing. Inevitably the message is that there are two parts to our success: our ability to coach AND our ability to get clients. We avoid these other mountains at our peril – we can only be a coach if we have clients.
Creating Clients is a coaching programme based on certain principles I have gleaned and mistakes I have made and corrected over the more than two decades that I have been practising as a coach. Whilst these principles underpin the programme, the programme is tailored for your specific needs.
Who would benefit from this coaching programme?
Whether you are a newly qualified coach or have been around for a while, you will know deep down whether or not you pay as much attention as you should to acquiring or getting clients. Sometimes your bank balance is a stark reminder that you need to do more, or would like more from your life.
What benefits are there for you?
A more consistent flow of clients
A more consistent flow of revenue
The peace of mind that comes from doing far better than just surviving
How is the coaching programme structured?
9 one-hour sessions consisting of
An intake session where we discuss your specific circumstances in depth
An offer session where I offer you a programme that aims at overcoming those specific circumstances
You deciding whether you wish to continue or not
Six sessions during which we develop and implement a client creation system that works for you
Self-observation exercises and practices that enable you to replace the habits that are not serving you with habits that do
A completion session where we consolidate your learning and ensure you continue to flourish
I’d like to walk this mountain with you!
If you would like to supplement your coaching skills with the ability to create clients, I would like to walk up these mountains with you, accomplishing your summits and share my experience and learnings with you along the way.
Click below to set up a free, no-obligation intake session with me.