In Monday Memo

 This week’s focus: 

We get what we focus on!

As we all wait to hear what will happen to Oscar Pistorius when his appeal comes up later this year, I am reminded of something that arises regularly in my practice as a coach – we tend to get what we focus on! In Oscar’s case, unfortunately, if you focus so much on guns and security, then you are likely to use a gun at some time. If we focus on eating, too much or too little, there will be consequences. If we focus on doing things perfectly and are hard on ourselves when we fall short of perfection, then there will be consequences. If we focus entirely on our work, we are likely to become workaholics. We need to take ownership of the things we focus on, especially the things we are obsessed with.

In all these examples, it seems to me to be a case of “if we don’t manage what we are focusing on, sooner or later the thing we focus on will manage us.” Habits like these grow into obsessions.

Maybe it’s a good opportunity for us all to ask ourselves what are becoming habits and obsessions in our lives? What will happen if we focus or obsess on these things over a period?

Monday Morning Perspective: “It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them.” – Benjamin Franklin

Kind regards,


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