In Blog Articles
This month’s focus: One of the practices I give my coaching clients involves a dictum from Michael E Gerber that reads: “I am a leader. I am called upon to do the work of leadership.”
Typically, these clients, who are normally leaders or are being developed as leaders, stumble on these words. After all, no one goes around saying “I am a leader”! We might say, “I am the CEO of…” but we find it difficult to say the words “I am a leader”. Yes, I know, part of the reason we don’t say it in the first place is that it is not the custom; the custom is to call ourselves by our position or designation.
Yet, there’s more to it, isn’t there! There is an arrogance about saying “I am a leader”, or at least an embarrassment of some sort, so much so that most of us seem to have difficulty acknowledging or admitting the words to ourselves, in even private moments.
And yet, again, don’t leaders need to find a way around this difficulty if we are to lead at all? So, try saying the quotation, “I am a leader. I am called upon to do the work of leadership”, several times every day, whenever you remember, or whenever you might catch yourself doing what you consider to be the work of leadership – and see what arises within you. Write you’re your thoughts as they come to you. Moreover, do it for two weeks and see how your feelings change around how you view being a leader and, equally, how what you consider to be the work of leadership evolves over that period. (More about the latter next time!)
Oh, and in case you are in denial about being a leader – I bet you are a leader somewhere in your life. I mean, at the very least (or perhaps that should read at the very most) you are the leader of your own life. Gotcha! Try the exercise!
Food for thought:
“One of the most courageous acts of leadership is to forgo the temptation to take revenge on those on the other side of an issue or those who opposed the leader’s rise to power.” (Rosabeth Moss Kanter)
I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts
Wow, Autumn already! The year is no longer a pup. Let’s put the soul back into our businesses so that by the time Spring arrives our businesses, and the economy, are blooming!
Best wishes for March.
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