In Monday Memo


Time to look seriously at our negative self-talk and self-limiting beliefs

Last week I wrote about the concept of neuroplasticity and the fact that each time we think about something or perform something that is habitual we strengthen our neural pathways in our brain – a good thing if it’s a good habit, but self-defeating if it is not.

I am often reminded in my work how we limit ourselves with our negative self-talk – the conversations we have in our heads that are primarily negative: criticizing ourselves, feeding ourselves with our self-limiting beliefs and filtering data to substantiate these views – or put another way we filter data to present ourselves with a view that is erroneous.

At some level, we all do it! If you think about it, even the Narcissists amongst us do it – for each time they think they are as close to perfection as it comes, they are fooling themselves.

So here is the thing: each time we have a self-limiting or negative (or narcissistic) thought, we are strengthening that neural pathway in our brains. Conversely, and more importantly, every time we have a more accurate and positive thought in our heads, we are strengthening that neural pathway! As simple as that!

So, which would you like to strengthen? It’s your choice!

Monday Morning Perspective: “Any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain.” – Santiago Ramón y Cajal

Kind regards

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