This week’s focus: How wobbly is your line? Just where is the line between an outright lie, and one of those other things that isn’t a lie, but is untrue or misrepresentation of the truth? [...]
This week’s focus: “Yes, but…” Most of us would be surprised – no, probably shocked – if we knew how many times we use the qualifiers “but”, “no” and “however” in a single [...]
This week’s focus: For once, just S.T.O.P.! There’s one thing I know for sure: ALL my clients are in a hurry! ALL of them feel like they don’t have enough time in the year, never mind the day! [...]
This week’s focus: The message received is more important than the message intended Makes sense, doesn’t it! Of course, the message that is received is the message acted upon and if it is the [...]